Compiling GHC with Stack for Stack

While Stack is really good at magically summoning all the compilers you need, adding your own compiled compiler is not quite documented. For testing specific version that doesn't have a release, or testing your own compiler modification, it's useful to add your own compiler in a build tool that by default works in a multi compiler settings.

First make sure you have the right building environment (a C compiler, the make tool, etc.). Also alex and happy are required, which you can get with:

$ stack install alex happy

One of the useful thing that Stack does, is there's no system compiler anymore, which manifest itself by not having ghc on the $PATH. GHC requires one to bootstrap itself, so we put the default stack one in the $PATH by starting a new shell environment:

$ stack exec --no-ghc-package-path bash 

Build GHC§

Clone the sources needed:

$ git clone --recursive

This will obviously give you the latest HEAD, so if you want to rewind to a specific version, do it here.

Now we just build GHC; apply variant of those steps if you want specific configuration here (see GHC building guide):

$ cd ghc
$ ./boot
$ ./configure
$ make

Make a binary dist§

It's possible to skip this step by having ./configure called with the right prefix above and doing make install now, but in the spirit of caching & re-use, and also to adopt the exact same procedure that stack is doing when installing a GHC compiler, we will create a binary dist.

To create a binary dist:

$ make binary-dist

Now if everything went according to plan, you have a tarball on the root of the ghc build repository in a format vaguely of ghc-$VERSION-$ARCH-$SYSTEM.tar.xz. at this stage if you plan to reuse, you can cache it somewhere, make it available for your company, etc..

Install for stack§

Unpack the bindist in a temp dir (don't forget to replace the variables):

$ mkdir $TMPDIR
$ tar xvJf $TARBALL

Then run the bindist to install itself to the right place (again replacing the variables):

$ ./configure --prefix=$(stack path --programs)/$GHCVER
$ make install
$ echo -e "installed" > $(stack path --programs)/$GHCVER.installed

Configure your compiler§

Now create a new my.yaml file to use your new compiler:

compiler: $GHCVER
compiler-check: match-exact
resolver: $RESOLVER
allow-newer: true

Make sure it works:

$ stack --stack-yaml my.yaml ghc -- --version

That's it, it's all ready.

$ stack --stack-yaml my.yaml build